WOOMB International

John and Evelyn Billings Awards

Joan Clements - Presented, Melbourne, 2020

The Directors of WOOMB International Ltd wish to acknowledge and thank Joan Clements for the contribution she continues to make for the Billings Ovulation Method® and take pleasure in awarding to her the John and Evelyn Billings Award.

In choosing recipients for this Award, the Directors acknowledge those who, by their actions, have shown they have the passion to be active participants in the spread of the authentic Billings Ovulation Method® to every woman on earth.  In pursing this passion there will always be setbacks and a worthy recipient is someone who does not let setbacks stop them from continuing to spread the “good news” of the Billings Ovulation Method®

The most difficult thing to do when talking about Joan, is keeping things short!  Joan’s contribution to the organisation, teaching and promotion of the Billings Ovulation Method® covered many areas- Joan was an Accredited Teacher of the Method; a member of the Education Committee of OMR&RCA; Manager of the Billings Family Life Office in Melbourne; Delegate to the National Natural Family Planning Board in Canberra; Graduate from the John Paul ll Institute for Marriage and Family; one of the four founding Directors of WOOMB International and its first Chair of the Board. 

Joan travelled internationally to train teachers in the Billings Ovulation Method®, visiting Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand, China, and finally Vietnam.  Here, Joan along with another accredited teacher, Gillian Barker, conducted many Billings Teacher Training Courses over a period of 3 years.  This program was an outstanding success leaving the country with hundreds of accredited teachers spreading the beauty and benefits of the Method to couples throughout Vietnam.

A highlight of Joan’s career with the Billings organisation must have been as our representative at the Synod on the Family with the Bishops in Rome.  Joan gave an intervention and brief statement on how the Billings Ovulation Method® could solve many problems that had been discussed on this occasion.  For her input at this event, Pope Francis awarded Joan the Cross pro Ecclesia et Pontifice, which was presented to her by Archbishop Denis Hart.

Joan has been our Webmaster for many years and also the Editor of the Bulletin – a role given to her personally by Dr John Billings.  We are delighted that Joan remains the Editor of our wonderful magazine – the Bulletin.

Joan has been a beautiful gift to all of us and we wish her and Steve many happy years ahead as they travel around Australia with their caravan, visiting family and friends and enjoying their retirement years to the full.  The Directors take pleasure in awarding to her the John and Evelyn Billings Award.

Melbourne Australia. October 2020