WOOMB International

Science of Fertility

Fertility Disorders and the Billings Ovulation Method®

Prof. Pilar Vigil

Fertility is a transient biological state that depends on the fertility potential of the couple. During a women’s lifetime, the ovary will go through different states of hormonal secretion and ovulation. The concept of the ovarian cycle as a continuum considers that all types of ovarian activity encountered during the reproductive life are normal responses to different environmental conditions in order to ensure the health of the mother and child.

During the first two years after menarche, occasional anovulatory cycles may occur. However, subsequently, a healthy ovary will exhibit regular monthly ovulations, characterized by a 25 to 36 day cycle (32, 33, and 35). The ovulatory cycles are normally only interrupted by pregnancies and breastfeeding. Normal ovulatory activity and fertility are restored following pregnancy and breast feeding, however, stress or excessive exercise may result in a chronic ovulatory dysfunction that requires therapy. Anovulatory cycles frequently occur as menopause approaches. This is an expected part of woman’s reproductive life cycle.  To read the full article click here.